Paris, city of DSLR filming and lights


Finally we made it over to Paris for a long weekend of lights, Christmas inspired shopping and exploring. But most of all, to shoot a small movie explaining what this ‘French Vintage photography-thing’ is all about.
The first days where spent looking for all the right places, comparing them to the story board I had made at home. Day four was spent filming with my Canon 5D MKII. We started the story at the famous Tour d’ Eiffel, continued on to the Pont d’ Amour – actually called Pont des Artes, but because of all the engraved padlocks locked to the brigde by lovers, it is now fondly known as Pont d’ Amour -, passed by some cafe’s on the way to warm up, climbed up Montmartre on high heels and ended the story at the Moulin Rouge.


Because there are so many second hand shops in Paris, we didn’t have any trouble at all finding the right clothing to fit the ‘look’, 50’s inspired Paris. The very best shop we came across was The Kilo Shop in the Marais, a shop containing not one, but two floors of every vintage item you could ever want! All you do is sort out what you might want, weigh it at the scales and pay. Great concept! Another great shop is Chez Chiffons that stocks everything from hats and shoes, to coats and dresses.
Le Marais, Paris’ gay headquarters, is my personal favorite when it comes down to fashion – which, trust me, it always does when in Paris – and the food, mostly Jewish falafel is exquisite! We stayed in a tiny apartment in Montparnasse, found on AirBNB, which catered to our every needs.


Now the obvious thing to do, is get down to some serious editing, music searching and get the thing online! To be continued…

4 thoughts on “Paris, city of DSLR filming and lights

  1. Pingback: Nice vintage project of Anna Green « Retrostock [..A world of info about retrostuff....]

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